It’s pressing up against your mind. It murmurs in between your thoughts and hangs as if it were a picture on a wall. It smolders behind your eyes and makes them droop with despair. It’s an unsolved problem.
It soothes your soul and makes your heart eager to sing a song of victory. It waits patiently for you to turn to it as its primary existence is to make certain you always have a seat at the feast. It’s the problem’s solution.
They are both in the same place and at the same time. They both wait with anticipation as to which you will serve. One fills you with fear, worry and doubt while the other offers solace for your burdened heart.
When you think of what you need to solve, how do you feel? Does your spirit feel a sense of despair or is there a joy as you remember the words of Paul when he declared: “I glory in my infirmities?” Most think when hearing these words; that it refers strictly to an illness. However, an infirmity is any situation that allows the opportunity to choose whom you will serve. An infirmity allows you to show you where your faith is planted. It allows you to “walk the walk when you have talked the talk.” An infirmity says to you “show me your works so that you may see your faith.” Thus the reason Paul gloried in his opportunities to show who he would serve and you must understand that it was not easy for Paul as it is not easy for you.
When you have a problem to solve, you have on the right hand the power of the Creator and on the left hand the delusions of a destroyer. The Creator calms you and continues to remind you that all is well regardless of what your eyes are telling you. The destroyer causes you to sink into depression as you believe the images that it shows. Both the problem and the solution rest in your thoughts.
When you realize that you have the choice on which altar you will stand, the sense of despair begins to lessen. You realize that the Creator has never let you down and never will. You understand that the destroyer has a job to do and is extremely good at creating this sense of doom and despair as it wants you to believe that all is not well. It causes you to wonder if your faith is solid as you feel the weight of your problem.
However, if you trust the Creator and dismiss the destroyer, you are using your free will which gives you the chance to glory in your infirmity and focus your attention on the solution instead of the problem. This is all the Creator ask of you, to keep your eyes centered on him and not be dismayed by the illusions of the destroyer. So, please remember, both the problem and the solution are within you and it is up to you on which you will focus.
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